Journey Back in Time: Rediscovering Anuradhapura’s Forgotten Splendors

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In the heart of Sri Lanka lies the ancient city of Anuradhapura, an archaeological wonder brimming with rich history and forgotten splendors. Stepping back in time, this captivating city allows travelers to immerse themselves in the ancient glory of a bygone era. In this article, we will take you on a journey to rediscover the hidden gems of Anuradhapura, from majestic stupas to intricate ruins that stand as a testament to a glorious past.

1. Unraveling the History of Anuradhapura

The first step to rediscovering Anuradhapura’s forgotten splendors is to understand its history. Founded in the 4th century BCE, Anuradhapura was the capital of Sri Lanka for over a millennium and served as the center of political, religious, and cultural activities. The city flourished under the reign of several ancient Sri Lankan kings, leaving behind a legacy of awe-inspiring architectural marvels.

2. The Majestic Stupas: Ruwanwelisaya and Jetavanaramaya

Anuradhapura is renowned for its enormous stupas that dominate the landscape. Among them, the Ruwanwelisaya and Jetavanaramaya stupas stand out as some of the most remarkable structures. The Ruwanwelisaya stupa, with its white dome, symbolizes peace and harmony, while the Jetavanaramaya stupa’s sheer size astounds all who lay eyes on it. These stupas remain as extraordinary examples of ancient engineering and religious devotion.

3. Sacred Bodhi Tree: The Oldest Tree in the World

At the heart of Anuradhapura lies the sacred Sri Maha Bodhi tree, believed to be a sapling from the original Bodhi tree in India under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment. This sacred tree is over 2,000 years old and continues to be a focal point of veneration for Buddhists worldwide. Witnessing the serene atmosphere around the Bodhi tree is a humbling experience that connects visitors to the spirituality of the ancient world.

4. The Enigmatic Ruins of Abhayagiri Monastery

Abhayagiri Monastery, a center of Buddhist learning and meditation, was one of the most significant monastic complexes of its time. The ruins of this once-vibrant institution evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue as visitors explore the remnants of stupas, statues, and ancient bathing ponds. The serene ambiance invites contemplation and transports visitors to a forgotten era of intellectual pursuit and spiritual enlightenment.

5. Isurumuniya Vihara: A Hidden Gem of Anuradhapura

Tucked away amidst beautiful rock gardens, the Isurumuniya Vihara is a hidden gem of Anuradhapura. This ancient temple boasts remarkable rock carvings, including the famous “Isurumuniya Lovers,” a masterpiece depicting an intimate moment frozen in stone. The tranquil setting and exquisite craftsmanship of the carvings make Isurumuniya Vihara a must-visit site for art and history enthusiasts.

6. Samadhi Statue: A Serene Meditation Pose

The Samadhi Statue, an iconic representation of meditation, showcases the artistic brilliance of ancient Sri Lankan craftsmen. This serene stone statue captures the poise and tranquility of a meditating monk and serves as an inspiration for visitors seeking inner peace and harmony. It stands as a remarkable symbol of the city’s dedication to spiritual enlightenment.

7. Anuradhapura’s Great Reservoirs: Miracles of Engineering

In a land where agriculture was the lifeblood of the community, Anuradhapura’s ancient engineers constructed an extensive network of reservoirs, or “tanks.” These impressive feats of engineering served to store water for irrigation, sustaining the city’s flourishing civilization. Some of these reservoirs, such as the Tissa Wewa and Nuwara Wewa, continue to provide water to local farmers to this day.

8. The Magnificent Thuparamaya: First Stupa of Sri Lanka

The Thuparamaya stupa holds a special place in the hearts of Sri Lankan Buddhists as it is considered the first-ever stupa built in Sri Lanka. Housing the collarbone of Lord Buddha, this sacred site attracts devotees from all corners of the island. The stupa’s architectural elegance and religious significance make it a crucial stop on any journey through Anuradhapura.

9. The Ruins of Lovamahapaya: A Lost Palace

Once a majestic nine-story palace complex, the Lovamahapaya was a marvel of ancient architecture. Unfortunately, the palace was destroyed over the centuries, leaving behind intriguing ruins. Imagining the grandeur of this lost palace allows visitors to travel back in time and marvel at the opulence and sophistication of ancient Sri Lankan society.

10. Kuttam Pokuna: The Twin Ponds of Purity

Kuttam Pokuna, also known as the Twin Ponds, is a testament to the advanced engineering skills of ancient Sri Lanka. These symmetrical ponds were used by monks for bathing and served as a symbol of purity. Today, they stand as a striking example of ancient urban planning and water management.


As you journey back in time through the ancient city of Anuradhapura, you will be captivated by the forgotten splendors that await you. The majestic stupas, serene temples, enigmatic ruins, and engineering marvels will leave an indelible mark on your soul. Rediscovering Anuradhapura is not merely an archaeological exploration but a pilgrimage to the roots of a civilization that cherished spirituality, wisdom, and human ingenuity.


  1. Q: How do I get to Anuradhapura from Colombo? A: Anuradhapura is easily accessible by road and train from Colombo. The journey takes approximately 4-5 hours by road and around 5-6 hours by train.
  2. Q: Are there any entrance fees to visit the ancient sites in Anuradhapura? A: Yes, there are entrance fees to visit most of the ancient sites in Anuradhapura. These fees contribute to the preservation and maintenance of the historical sites.
  3. Q: Can I visit Anuradhapura’s ancient city on my own, or do I need a guide? A: While exploring on your own is possible, having a knowledgeable guide can enhance your experience by providing historical context and insights into the significance of each site.
  4. Q: What is the best time of the year to visit Anuradhapura? A: The best time to visit Anuradhapura is during the dry season, from May to September, when the weather is pleasant and conducive to exploring the ancient city.
  5. Q: Are there accommodations available near Anuradhapura’s ancient city? A: Yes, there are numerous accommodations available, ranging from budget guesthouses to luxurious hotels, catering to the needs of various travelers.
Anuradhapura's Forgotten Splendors

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Author Since: August 20, 2021

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